
FamaFrench.comparePortfolios(self, kfType, kfFreq, dt_start, dt_end, *args)[source]

Generalized routine used to compare datasets constructed from wrds-cloud queries to their equivalents made publicly available on Ken French’s online library at a given frequency and for a given sample period.

  • kfType (str) –

    Dataset type to query. Possible choices are:

    • Returns

    • Factors

    • NumFirms

    • Characs

  • kfFreq (str) –

    Observation frequency of the portfolios. Possible choices are:

    • D : daily

    • W : weekly

    • M : monthly

    • Q : quarterly (3-months)

    • A : annual

  • dt_start (datetime.date) – Starting date for the dataset queried or locally retrieved.

  • dt_end (datetime.date) – Ending date for the dataset queried or locally retrieved.

  • kfDim (list, int, [optional]) – Dimensions for sorting on each element in the list self.sortCharacsId.

  • kfRetType (str, [optional]) –

    Weighting-scheme for portfolios. Possible choices are:

    • vw : value-weights

    • ew : equal-weights


  • dfcorrTable (pandas.DataFrame or list, pandas.DataFrame if len(kfDim) == 3) – Table w/ Pearson correlations between wrds-cloud constructed and Ken French online library portfolio variables at a given frequency and over a given sample period.

  • dfmeanTable (` pandas.DataFrame` or list, pandas.DataFrame if len(kfDim) == 3) – Table w/ mean statistics for wrds-cloud constructed and Ken French online library portfolio variables at a given frequency and over a given sample period.

  • dfstdevTable (pandas.DataFrame or list, pandas.DataFrame if len(kfDim) == 3) – Table w/ standard deviation statistics for wrds-cloud constructed and Ken French online library portfolio variables at a given frequency and over a given sample period.


The routine is “wrapped” w/ the user-defined function timing() from module famafrench.utils.py. This wrapper times (in seconds) how long the routine takes to complete.


Portfolios require anomaly characteristics from the last fiscal year. To get non-missing observations starting on date dt_start, we construct portfolios using a startdate that is two/three years prior to dt_start. We then slice the resulting pandas.DataFrames starting w/ dt_start.