Getting Started


The main tool provided by the package is the FamaFrench class that enables its user to construct a multitude of datasets found in Ken French’s online library as well as many others.

Datasets include portfolio returns (value- or equal-weighted), number of firms in each portfolio, or average anomaly portfolio characteristics. The sample dataset will be for a pre-specified frequency and range of dates characterized by a start and end date.

In addition, and of utmost interest to most users, the FamaFrench class enables one to construct some of the most studied Fama-French-style factors:

  • Market Premium (MKT-RF)

  • Small Minus Big (SMB)

  • High Minus Low (HML)

  • Momentum based on Prior (2-12) returns (MOM)

  • Short-Term Reversal based on Prior (1-1) returns (ST_Rev)

  • Long-Term Reversal based on Prior (13-60) returns (LT_Rev)

In almost all applications, the package requires the use of the constructor function FamaFrench:


Class providing tools for constructing and replicating datasets from Ken French’s online library via queries to CRSP, Compustat Fundamentals Annual, and other sources accessed through wrds-cloud.

The constructor function makes use of an altered set of routines borrowed from the WRDS-Py library to query CRSP, Compustat Fundamentals Annual, and other datafiles provided by Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS). To use the famafrench package, a user must have a subscription to both CRSP and Compustat Fundamentals Annual through WRDS. See Connecting to wrds-cloud.

Alterations of routines borrowed from the WRDS-Py library enable a user with access to WRDS to add his/her WRDS username and password to their local environment. This is achieved through the use of environment variables via os.environ(), a mapping object in Python’s os module that represents the user’s environment variables. Environment variables provide secure means of storing usernames and passwords. Use of and modifications to the WRDS-Py library abide by its permissive MIT license (see LICENSE).


To securely set up the WRDS username and password as environment variables:

  1. If it does not exist already, create an .env file in your home directory. This should be the same directory where ~/.bash_profile is stored.

  2. Open ~/.bash_profile and add the following: source ~/.env. In .env, you add your WRDS username and password as environment variables as follows:

  1. This can also be done directly in Python:

import os
os.environ["WRDS_USERNAME"] = "FILL IN"
os.environ["WRDS_PASSWORD"] = "FILL IN"

Having set up the WRDS username and password, connecting remotely to WRDS through wrds-cloud is made simple through the constructor wrdsConnection. This constructor is repeatedly used within the main package constructor FamaFrench.

Creating an Instance of the FamaFrench Class

Instances of the FamaFrench object will vary depending on whether the user wants to construct Fama-French-style factors or portfolio returns (value- or equal-weighted), number of firms in each portfolio, and average anomaly portfolio characteristics.

For both types of instances, the frequency of portfolios freqType as well as the starting and end dates must be specified. Both starting and ending dates must be in format. In addition, attribute runQuery is set to True or False depending on whether the user prefers to query all datafiles from wrds-cloud from scratch or whether previously queried and locally-saved datafiles are pickled in constructing the instance. The latter choice is particularly useful when updating data following a new set of observation points released by WRDS. Making use of previously queried and locally-saved datafiles significantly speeds up run-time and execution of code.

A required attribute is the absolute path directory where pickled datafiles will be saved. Starting from the current working directory, we will create a folder pickled_db and save all pickled files there. To do that, let’s define the string variable pickled_dir as follows:

In [1]: import os
In [2]: pickled_dir = os.getcwd() + '/pickled_db/'

For example, to construct the Fama-French 3 factors: the Market Premium MKT-RF, Small Minus Big SMB, and High Minus Low HML, at the monthly frequency (from 1960 to the present, or the most recent date for which there is stock returns data available in CRPS and fundamentals data in Compustat), we execute the following lines of Python code:

Fama-French 3 Factors:

In [3]: import datetime as dt
In [4]: import famafrench.famafrench as ff

In [5]: startDate =, 1, 1)
In [6]: endDate =
In [7]: runQuery = True
In [8]: ffFreq = 'M'
In [9]: ffsortCharac = ['ME', 'BM']
In [10]: ffFactors = ['MKT-RF', 'SMB', 'HML']
In [11]: ff3 = ff.FamaFrench(pickled_dir, runQuery, ffFreq, ffsortCharac, ffFactors)

In [12]: factorsTableM = ff3.getFFfactors(startDate, endDate)

CRSP (monthly) dataset currently NOT saved locally w/ required dates. Querying from wrds-cloud...
CRSP delisted returns (monthly) dataset currently NOT saved locally. Querying from wrds-cloud...
Compustat (annual) dataset currently NOT saved locally. Querying from wrds-cloud...
CRSP-Compustat merged linktable currently NOT saved locally. Querying from wrds-cloud...
Constructing Fama-French return factor(s): 100%|██████████| 2/2 [00:03<00:00,  1.73s/it]
Historical risk-free interest rate (monthly) dataset currently NOT saved locally. Querying from wrds-cloud...

In [13]: factorsTableM.head()
                 mkt    mkt-rf       smb       hml
1960-01-31 -0.066497 -0.069797  0.017755  0.025267
1960-02-29  0.014547  0.011647  0.006323 -0.010965
1960-03-31 -0.012873 -0.016373 -0.001480 -0.034610
1960-04-30 -0.015113 -0.017013 -0.001671 -0.008266
1960-05-31  0.033918  0.031218  0.022134 -0.040884
  • To construct Fama-French-style factors, factorsId (here, passed as parameter ffFactors) must be passed as a list of strings with the names of the factors per the naming convention outlined in the documentation for FamaFrench.

  • Although one can pass the anomaly portfolio characteristics used for portfolio sorting in the construction of the factors, sortCharacsId (here, passed as parameter ffsortCharac), the constructor does not require this. Here, mainCharacsId is also not required for obvious reasons (when omitted, mainCharacsId is set to sortCharacsId by default).

We can compare the constructed factors to those provided by Ken French:

In [14]: kffactorsTableM = ff3.getkfFFfactors(ffFreq, startDate, endDate)
In [15]: kffactorsTableM.head()
               mkt  mkt-rf     smb     hml
1960-01-31 -0.0665 -0.0698  0.0209  0.0273
1960-02-29  0.0146  0.0117  0.0051 -0.0199
1960-03-31 -0.0128 -0.0163 -0.0051 -0.0285
1960-04-30 -0.0152 -0.0171  0.0031 -0.0223
1960-05-31  0.0339  0.0312  0.0121 -0.0376

In [16]: _, _, _, = ff3.comparePortfolios('Factors', ffFreq, startDate, endDate)

CRSP (monthly) dataset currently NOT saved locally w/ required dates. Querying from wrds-cloud...
CRSP delisted returns (monthly) dataset currently NOT saved locally. Querying from wrds-cloud...
Compustat (annual) dataset currently NOT saved locally. Querying from wrds-cloud...
CRSP-Compustat merged linktable currently NOT saved locally. Querying from wrds-cloud...
Constructing Fama-French return factor(s): 100%|██████████| 2/2 [00:03<00:00,  1.78s/it]
Historical risk-free interest rate (monthly) dataset currently NOT saved locally. Querying from wrds-cloud...
*********************************** Factor Returns: 1960-01-31 to 2020-03-31 ***********************************

   *********************** Observation frequency: M ************************
Fama-French factors: Correlation matrix:
        mkt  mkt-rf    smb    hml
corr:  1.0     1.0  0.978  0.976

Fama-French factors: Average matrix:
                          mkt        mkt-rf           smb           hml
[wrds, kflib]:  [0.87, 0.87]  [0.51, 0.51]  [0.15, 0.15]  [0.28, 0.28]

Fama-French factors: Std Deviation matrix:
                          mkt        mkt-rf           smb           hml
[wrds, kflib]:  [4.39, 4.39]  [4.41, 4.41]  [3.01, 3.01]  [2.87, 2.87]

Elapsed time:  5.372  seconds.
  • The instance method FamaFrench.comparePortfolios compares our constructed factors with those provided by French at the same frequency over the same sample period. Current output of the method includes sample Pearson correlations, sample means, and sample standard deviations.

Other examples: To form the 6 (ie 2 x 3) monthly, portfolios (also from 1960 to the present, or the most recent date for which there is stock returns data available in CRPS and fundamentals data in Compustat) sorted on Size ME and Book-to-Market BM and construct the value-weighted portfolio returns, number of firms in each portfolio, and the average anomaly portfolio characteristics used in the construction of the portfolios: market value of equity ME and book-to-market equity BM, we execute the following lines of Python code:

Value -weighted portfolio returns:

In [3]: import datetime as dt
In [4]: import famafrench.famafrench as ff

In [5]: startDate =, 1, 1)
In [6]: endDate =
In [7]: runQuery = True
In [8]: ffFreq = 'M'
In [9]: sortingDim = [2, 3]
In [10]: retType = 'vw'

In [11]: ffsortCharac = ['ME', 'BM']
In [12]: ffFactors = []
In [13]: me_bm_2x3 = ff.FamaFrench(pickled_dir, runQuery, ffFreq, ffsortCharac, ffFactors)

In [14]: returnsTableM = me_bm_2x3.getPortfolioReturns(False, startDate, endDate, sortingDim, retType)

CRSP (monthly) dataset currently NOT saved locally w/ required dates. Querying from wrds-cloud...
CRSP delisted returns (monthly) dataset currently NOT saved locally w/ required dates. Querying from wrds-cloud...
Compustat (annual) dataset currently NOT saved locally w/ required dates. Querying from wrds-cloud...

In [15]: returnsTableM.head()
            me0-50_bm0-30  me0-50_bm30-70  ...  me50-100_bm30-70  me50-100_bm70-100
1960-01-31      -0.065363       -0.053950  ...         -0.045400          -0.071003
1960-02-29       0.022127        0.006104  ...          0.038354          -0.014447
1960-03-31      -0.013744       -0.031140  ...         -0.013633          -0.054888
1960-04-30      -0.010691       -0.016785  ...         -0.020938          -0.014375
1960-05-31       0.043435        0.035750  ...          0.010110          -0.017830

In [16]: kfreturnsTableM = me_bm_2x3.getkfPortfolioReturns(ffFreq, startDate, endDate, sortingDim, retType)
In [17]: kfreturnsTableM.head()
            small lobm   me1 bm2  small hibm  big lobm   me2 bm2  big hibm
1960-01-31   -0.057876 -0.031988   -0.029368 -0.082071 -0.043931 -0.055931
1960-02-29    0.020772  0.014530    0.005015  0.013139  0.022903 -0.010929
1960-03-31   -0.023385 -0.024016   -0.038293 -0.008789 -0.010768 -0.050967
1960-04-30    0.000545 -0.021162   -0.029614 -0.015721 -0.013525 -0.030143
1960-05-31    0.053034  0.018239    0.023730  0.043100  0.018242 -0.002716

In [18]:  _, _, _, = me_bm_2x3.comparePortfolios('Returns', ffFreq, startDate, endDate, sortingDim, retType)

CRSP (monthly) dataset currently NOT saved locally w/ required dates. Querying from wrds-cloud...
CRSP delisted returns (monthly) dataset currently NOT saved locally w/ required dates. Querying from wrds-cloud...
Compustat (annual) dataset currently NOT saved locally w/ required dates. Querying from wrds-cloud...
*********************************** ME x BM (2 x 3) ************************************
    *********************** Observation frequency: M ************************
    ************************* Returns: 1960-01-31 to 2020-03-31 **************************

Correlation matrix:
          bm0-30 bm30-70 bm70-100
 me0-50     0.99    0.99    0.994
 me50-100  0.997   0.982    0.984

 Average matrix:
                    bm0-30         bm30-70        bm70-100
 me0-50    [0.82%, 0.84%]  [1.11%, 1.15%]  [1.28%, 1.26%]
 me50-100  [0.87%, 0.88%]  [0.92%, 0.88%]  [0.97%, 1.01%]

 Std Deviation matrix:
                    bm0-30        bm30-70        bm70-100
 me0-50    [6.68%, 6.69%]  [5.47%, 5.4%]  [5.62%, 5.63%]
 me50-100  [4.55%, 4.54%]  [4.2%, 4.28%]  [5.06%, 4.91%]

 Elapsed time:  84.751  seconds.

Number of firms in each portfolio:

In [19]: firmsTableM = me_bm_2x3.getNumFirms(False, startDate, endDate, sortingDim)
In [20]: firmsTableM.head()
            me0-50_bm0-30  me0-50_bm30-70  ...  me50-100_bm30-70  me50-100_bm70-100
date                                       ...
1960-01-31             21              49  ...                69                 27
1960-02-29             21              49  ...                69                 27
1960-03-31             21              49  ...                69                 27
1960-04-30             21              49  ...                69                 27
1960-05-31             21              49  ...                69                 27

In [21]: kffirmsTableM = me_bm_2x3.getkfNumFirms(ffFreq, startDate, endDate, sortingDim)
In [22]: kffirmsTableM.head()
            small lobm  me1 bm2  small hibm  big lobm  me2 bm2  big hibm
1960-01-31          66      193         223       228      199        72
1960-02-29          66      193         222       228      199        72
1960-03-31          66      192         222       228      199        72
1960-04-30          66      190         221       228      199        72
1960-05-31          66      187         221       228      199        72

In [23]:  _, _, _, = me_bm_2x3.comparePortfolios('NumFirms', ffFreq, startDate, endDate, sortingDim)

*********************************** ME x BM (2 x 3) ************************************
    *********************** Observation frequency: M ************************
    ************************* NumFirms: 1960-01-31 to 2020-03-31 **************************

Correlation matrix:
          bm0-30 bm30-70 bm70-100
me0-50     0.99   0.969     0.98
me50-100  0.894   0.854     0.93

Average matrix:
               bm0-30     bm30-70      bm70-100
me0-50    [857, 877]  [878, 902]  [1022, 1014]
me50-100  [336, 358]  [282, 302]    [124, 135]

Std Deviation matrix:
               bm0-30     bm30-70    bm70-100
me0-50    [501, 479]  [400, 362]  [522, 458]
me50-100   [124, 96]    [79, 49]    [45, 34]

Elapsed time:  7.179  seconds.

Equal -weighted average firm size ME and Value -weighted average BM for each portfolio:

In [24]: characsTableM = me_bm_2x3.getCharacs(False, startDate, endDate, sortingDim)
In [25]: for charac in list(me_bm_2x3.mainCharacsId):
             print(charac, '\n', characsTableM[charac].head())


me_bm_port  me0-50_bm0-30  me0-50_bm30-70  ...  me50-100_bm30-70  me50-100_bm70-100
date                                       ...
1960-01-31      51.073622       44.046426  ...        602.187406         359.904699
1960-02-29      52.018226       44.155492  ...        622.733703         352.869472
1960-03-31      51.117399       42.638931  ...        611.268864         332.592130
1960-04-30      50.570687       41.867309  ...        598.093774         326.359000
1960-05-31      52.645482       43.170724  ...        601.328670         319.054963

[5 rows x 6 columns]

me_bm_port  me0-50_bm0-30  me0-50_bm30-70  ...  me50-100_bm30-70  me50-100_bm70-100
date                                       ...
1960-01-31       0.442664        0.835413  ...          0.715368           1.495814
1960-02-29       0.443257        0.835101  ...          0.716441           1.495995
1960-03-31       0.444962        0.834058  ...          0.716098           1.479376
1960-04-30       0.444282        0.834749  ...          0.715577           1.470528
1960-05-31       0.442410        0.834351  ...          0.716156           1.474706

[5 rows x 6 columns]

In [26]: kfcharacsTableM = me_bm_2x3.getkfCharacs(ffFreq, startDate, endDate, sortingDim)
In [27]: for charac in list(me_bm_2x3.mainCharacsId):
             print(charac, '\n', kfcharacsTableM[charac].head())

            small lobm  me1 bm2  small hibm  big lobm  me2 bm2  big hibm
1960-01-31       37.66    31.88       21.40    743.00   405.35    239.89
1960-02-29       35.48    30.82       20.81    681.54   386.94    226.11
1960-03-31       36.12    31.09       20.85    687.18   393.99    222.53
1960-04-30       35.11    30.35       19.99    679.88   388.21    210.41
1960-05-31       35.12    29.88       19.38    668.63   382.39    203.68

            small lobm  me1 bm2  small hibm  big lobm  me2 bm2  big hibm
1960-01-31      0.4158   0.8464      1.7597    0.3443   0.7227    1.6961
1960-02-29      0.4163   0.8457      1.7650    0.3454   0.7226    1.7006
1960-03-31      0.4171   0.8449      1.7559    0.3429   0.7220    1.6942
1960-04-30      0.4181   0.8440      1.7532    0.3412   0.7209    1.6762
1960-05-31      0.4175   0.8428      1.7422    0.3395   0.7201    1.6721

In [28]:  _, _, _, = me_bm_2x3.comparePortfolios('Characs', ffFreq, startDate, endDate, sortingDim)

CRSP (monthly) dataset currently NOT saved locally w/ required dates. Querying from wrds-cloud...
CRSP delisted returns (monthly) dataset currently NOT saved locally w/ required dates. Querying from wrds-cloud...
Compustat (annual) dataset currently NOT saved locally w/ required dates. Querying from wrds-cloud...
*********************************** ME x BM (2 x 3) ************************************
    *********************** Observation frequency: M ************************
 ************************* (Characteristic: ME): 1960-01-31 to 2020-03-31 ***************************

Correlation matrix:
          bm0-30 bm30-70 bm70-100
me0-50    0.926    0.97     0.98
me50-100  0.996   0.932     0.98

Average matrix:
                       bm0-30             bm30-70           bm70-100
me0-50      [278.71, 237.67]     [259.65, 229.2]   [150.23, 135.05]
me50-100  [9210.17, 8892.67]  [6763.25, 6296.73]  [5489.91, 5675.8]

Std Deviation matrix:
                        bm0-30             bm30-70            bm70-100
me0-50       [365.01, 269.64]     [302.07, 254.2]    [173.26, 147.65]
me50-100  [10231.33, 9921.44]  [8525.22, 7200.64]  [6790.97, 6998.62]

*********************************** ME x BM (2 x 3) ************************************
    *********************** Observation frequency: M ************************
 ************************* (Characteristic: BM): 1960-01-31 to 2020-03-31 ***************************

Correlation matrix:
           bm0-30 bm30-70 bm70-100
me0-50    0.996   0.994    0.972
me50-100  0.991   0.992    0.723

Average matrix:
                 bm0-30       bm30-70      bm70-100
me0-50     [0.3, 0.31]  [0.71, 0.73]  [1.43, 1.51]
me50-100  [0.28, 0.29]  [0.68, 0.71]   [1.3, 1.32]

Std Deviation matrix:
                  bm0-30       bm30-70      bm70-100
me0-50    [0.13, 0.13]  [0.28, 0.28]  [0.53, 0.55]
me50-100  [0.12, 0.12]  [0.27, 0.27]   [0.6, 0.47]

Elapsed time:  68.136  seconds.
  • If attribute mainCharacsId is not specified (as in the example above), then the class constructor sets it to sortCharacsId (here, passed as parameter ffsortCharac).

  • Since the focus is on constructing portfolios, not factors, factorsId (here, passed as parameter ffFactors) is set to an empty list.

  • Lastly, sortingDim is set to [2, 3] and retType is set to vw in order to form the 6 (ie 2 x 3) portfolios.

More applications and detailed examples are provided in Applications and Examples.